O dawara
1963 - 2023
Milestones3 あゆみ3
第5回 海外演奏旅行はコール・マルベリー(現マルベリー・クワイア)でスペインに行きました。カントニグロス国際合唱コンクール で3位入賞しました。このときの1位は世界的に活躍しているフィリピン・マドリガルシンガーズでした。また、トレド大聖堂でシューベルトの詩篇23を、音楽史上に大きな意味のあるモンセラート教会ではヌッフルのミサ曲を演奏しました。
Our 5th concert tour abroad was with "Chor Mulberry" (currently "Mulberry Choir") to Spain. We were awarded 3rd place at the Cantonigròs International Choir Competition. At that time, the winning choir was the world famous Philippine Madrigal Singers. We also performed Schubert's Psalm23 at Toredo Cathedral, and Nuffel's Mass at Monserat Churrh.
Our 6th concert tour abroad was to Hungary and the UK. Our last 5 tours were during the summer, but this was during the spring, so it was very comfortable and everyone was fine. This was our 3rd visit to Hungary and our main purpose was to perform at the Japan Festival. During our concert at a music school in Budapest, there was a power cut, so we kept performing while some of the audience were kindly holding torches around the pianist . Unfortunately, there was a storm and gale during our concert in St.Luke's Church in London, but we were very impressed with the warmth of the audience.
Our 7th concert tour abroad was with "Chor Mulberry" (currently "Mulberry Choir") to the Republic of Korea to participate in the ISME (International Society for Music Education) Conference in Seoul. At that time, songs with Japanese texts were forbidden in the Republic of Korea, but as we represented Japan for the ISME conference, we had to find a way to perform Japanese pieces. Finally we got permission from the Korean authorities for some vocalise pieces by a Japanese composer. We contemplated a lot about our history and relationship between our two countries.
第8回海外演奏旅行はイタリア・アレッツォ国際合唱コンクールに参加し、 マルベリー・クワイアが民族音楽部門1位、合唱隊が児童合唱部門4位に入賞しました。このコンクールは1983年に続き2回目の参加で、前回は幼かった隊員が今回はマルベリーのメンバーとして再び参加できたこと、児童合唱部門で1位のチェコ・オンドラシェク児童合唱団と出会ったことなど、沢山のいい思い出ができました。また、コンクール前に開いたアッシジ聖フランチェスコ大聖堂でのコンサートも立ち見が出るほどの大入り満員でした。
Our 8th concert tour abroad was to Italy. Mulberry Choir won 1st place in the Folksong Category, and Odawara Children's Choir was awarded 4th place in the Children's Choir Category at the Arezzo International Choral Competition. This was our second participation in Arezzo. This time we met the category winner Ondrášek Children's Choir from the Czech Republic. We also gave a concert at St.Francesco Cathedral in Assisi which was packed out.
第9回 海外演奏旅行はオーストリア(ウィーン)、チェコ(プラハ、ノヴィ・イチン)に行きました。この演奏旅行は前回イタリア・アレッツォのコンクールで仲良くなったチェコ・オンドラシェク児童合唱団から「私達の30周年記念演奏会に来ませんか?」とお誘い頂き実現しました。12月から1月にかけて雪が深いなか、バスからコンサート会場の教会まで和服の裾をたくしあげてブーツにマフラーという格好で歩きました。指揮者のヨセフ先生はじめ合唱団の方たちが、宿舎・コンサート・交流と何から何まで用意万端整えて下さり大歓迎を受けました。この演奏旅行は、私たちのその後の方向に大きな影響を与える交流となりました。
Our 9th concert tour abroad was to Austria(Vienna) and Czech Republic (Prague and Nový Jičín), as we were invited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Ondrášek Children's Choir whom we met in Arezzo a year previously. Conductor Mr.Josef Zajíček, all the choir staff members and singers prepared so much for us for which we were really grateful. This tour became one of the biggest milestones in our history and influenced our future activities very much.
The Ondrášek Children's Choir from the Czech Republic whom we visited one year ago came to Japan, during the beautiful spring season with cherry blossoms, to celebrate our 35th anniversary. We gave joint concerts in Odawara, Kamakura and Tokyo (Casals Hall). It was our 3rd meeting following Italy and the Czech Republic.
We invited Conductor Mr.Josef Zajíček of the Ondrášek Children's Choir from the Czech Republic to be our guest conductor in Odawara. We later performed "Věneček" (composed by Lukáš) and "Baba-yaga" (composed by Koralov) which we learned from Mr.Zajíček, and became the first children's choir to win the gold prize at the JCA (Japan Choral Association) competition.
第10回海外演奏旅行 は中国での世界児童合唱祭 北京大会に日本代表として参加しました。「合唱を通じて世界の子供達が仲良しになるように」という目的で、11ヶ国800名が集まり、ホテルからコンサートホールや観光地に移動する時には24台の黄色いバスを連ねてパトカーの先導で国賓待遇でした。連日猛暑でハードでしたが、各国に沢山の友達が出来ました。
Our 10th concert tour abroad was to China to participate in the World Children's Choir Festival in Beijing, representing Japan. This festival's aim was to make bridges between children from all over the world through choral singing. There were 800 singers from 11 countries. 24 yellow coaches in convoy escorted by police cars went to the concert venues and sight-seeing places like VIPs. It was very hot everyday, but we made many friends.
第11回 海外演奏旅行はカナダ・バンクーバーのソングブリッジおよび世界児童合唱祭にアジア代表として参加しました。フィンランドのエリッキ・ポヒョラ先生が始めたソング・ブリッジは世界4地域から選ばれた4団体による「歌声の架け橋で世界に平和を」という目的で開かれ、南アフリカのタイガーバーグ児童合唱団(指揮:ヘンドリック・ルーク)、イスラエルのモラン合唱団(指揮:ナオミ・ファレン)、カナダのニューファウンドランド合唱団(指揮:スーザン・ナイト)、小田原少年少女合唱隊の4団体が、日中は高校の体育館で合同練習、夜は教室に寝袋で寝泊りし、一週間生活を共にしました。子供達は日増しに仲良くなり「音楽は世界の共通語」という素晴らしい経験が出来ました。また、児童合唱祭は世界各国から50団体2000名が参加しました。
Our 11th concert tour abroad was to Canada (Vancouver) to join in the SongBridge and the World Children's Choir Festival, representing Asia. The SongBridge concept brought together leading youth choirs and choral composers from around the world to further global peace and understanding in a non-competitive atmosphere. 4 chosen choirs, Tygerberg Children's Choir from South Africa (Conductor: Mr. Hendrik Loock), Moran Children's Choir from Israel (Conductor: Ms. Naomi Faren) , Newfoundland Chidlren's Choir from Canada (Conductor: Ms.Susan Knight) and Odawara Children's Choir rehearsed and stayed together in a local high school for one week, under the leadership of Prof. Erkki Pohjola from Finland. We had a great time reconfirming "Music is a global language". For the World Children's Choir Festival, there were about 2,000 children from 50 countries.
30周年記念演奏会 サントリーホール(ピアノ:ヘルムート・ドイチュ)
30th Anniversary Concert in Suntory Hall (Piano: Helmut Deutsch)

30周年記念演奏会 サントリーホール (ピアノ:ヘルムート・ドイチュ) 30th Anniversary Concert in Suntory Hall (Piano: Helmut Deutsch)
Nový Jičín in the Czech Republic
with the Ondrášek Choir

オンドラシェク合唱団を訪ねて(チェコ、ノヴィ・イチン) Nový Jičín in the Czech Republic with the Ondrášek Choir
International Children's Choir Festival
in Beijing (representing Japan)

北京・世界児童合唱フェスティバル(日本代表) International Children's Choir Festival in Beijing (representing Japan)
35周年記念演奏会 カザルスホール チェコのオンドラシェク合唱団
35th Anniversary Concert with the Czech Ondrášek Choir
(Conductor: Josef Zajíček) in Casals Hall, Tokyo

35周年記念演奏会 カザルスホール チェコのオンドラシェク合唱団(指揮:ヨセフ・ザイーチェク)をお迎えして 35th Anniversary Concert with the Czech Ondrášek Choir (Conductor: Josef Zajíček) in Casals Hall, Tokyo
SongBridge & International Children's Choral Festival in Vancouver, Canada (representing Asia)

カナダ・バンクーバー、ソングブリッジ&世界児童合唱フェスティバル(日本代表) SongBridge & International Children's Choral Festival in Vancouver, Canada (representing Japan)

カナダ・バンクーバー、ソングブリッジ&世界児童合唱フェスティバル(日本代表) SongBridge & International Children's Choral Festival in Vancouver, Canada (representing Japan)